
Mission Statement

To heal trauma through the mind, body, and soul by working with people and companies achieve their goals.

Indigo Davis is a hardworking brand consultant, who uses her experiences in many roles in the fashion industry, to help brands build their story and expand with their brand identity in mind. She is self motivated and excels in high stress, fast paced environments. Her ability to relate to others and see things from their perspective is a unique skillset that helps her strategize ways to reach consumers as well as motivate staff.

I am an NY native, who's been living in LA for the past six years. Living in NY built the foundation of my hustle, work ethic, and survival skills, while LA brought me into my adulthood, taught me about love, and the politics of Hollywood. 

What were you doing when you were 12 yrs. old?

I was working out of my father’s cleaners in the bronx and pursuing modeling and acting when I wasn’t in school. Like a lot of kids these day, I grew up in a two home house that consisted of back and forth trips every other weekend and being away from my friends for a month during the summer. At a young age, I fell in love with music and the arts and began pursuing a way to everyday of my life involve these things. When you’re always going back in forth sometimes it’s hard to create relationships and keep them up, so I had my creative outlet and education to keep me occupied most days when I wasn’t helping out at the cleaners or watching my younger siblings. I grew up with pretty strict, old school parents, who sent me to Catholic school so I could receive a good education. 

When I started attending public high school, my father moved to ATL with my sisters and my trips back and forth became further and fewer. This gave me more time to focus on my future and take on more activities. I was overly active and had everything planned out: I would go to Pratt Institute for Fashion Design and be in debt for life, get a place in the city and work for some up and coming minimalist brand, which would lead to me opening up my own production company for music and entertainment. Needless to say, things didn’t go as planned, I ended up getting accepted into FIDM as a Junior and moving to California for Fall semester after graduating high school. 

When I moved to LA six years ago, I couldn’t have imagined my path would have gone the way it has. When I moved out here, it was like I had gone off the grid from my life plan, had no idea what was next and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. All I knew was that I had goals for my life and I was going to use Los Angeles to help make those things happen for me. I never thought I would have been able to half of some of the things I've had the opportunity to do like working NYFW, Red Carpets, attending amazing parties and meeting some of my idols. 

So, why are you here? 

I’m here because life has lead me here, to a Internet Marketing Masters program, to a personal development and leadership class, where I have to face some of my biggest hurdles in life: Putting myself first. So, I’m going to practice here by reflecting on my journey to self-discovery, sharing things that inspire me, lessons learned in life, and my creative work. I don’t make myself priority and like putting attention on myself so this will be a challenge.